Volunteer Duties
Servers: Servers will be responsible for serving the families in attendance. Servers will take menu orders from guests and communicate the orders to the kitchen. Servers will be responsible for refilling drinks, and attending to guest’s dining needs. Servers will be assigned a certain amount of tables.
Food Runners: Food runners will be responsible for running the food to the table per the orders specified for the table. The dining coordinator will direct the runners to the designated table. The server that is assigned to the table will direct the runner on the correct placement of the food for the guests. Food runners will also assist in drink refills, etc.
Dessert Assistants: Dessert assistants will be responsible for ensuring that all guests receive desserts after the main course. Dessert assistants will distribute dessert to each table and assist in prebussing tables. Dessert assistants will be responsible for clean-up of the dessert area.
Concessions: Concession assistants will run the concessions machines to provide pre-event snacks for guests. Concessions assistants will be responsible for serving the guests at the concession station. Concession assistants will be responsible for clean-up of the concession station.
Guest Coordinators
Door Coordinators: Door Coordinators will be responsible for greeting incoming families. Door Coordinators will direct guest to the proper check – in station and assist with proper family check- in. Door Coordinators will also direct families to their assigned seating in the dining area.
Parking lot Attendants: Parking Lot Attendants will be responsible for directing traffic in the parking lot. Parking Lot Attendants will direct cars into designated parking spaces, and the drop- off point for guests with rides. Parking Lot Attendants will provide information on arrival times and departure times for the event.
Set –up and Take Down
Set Up: The Set Up team will be responsible for setting up and decorating the tables. The Set Up team will also be responsible for setting up Santa’s workshop and other stations ensuring all stations are complete and ready. The Set Up team will be responsible for unloading the truck.
Take Down: The Take Down team will be responsible taking down the tables and decorations. The Take Down will be responsible for packing all decorations, stacking chairs, and taking down the stage and Santa’s workshop. The Take Down team will be responsible for reloading the truck.